Waterfalls are a popular destinations for landscape photographers. Their pictures are characterized by natural dynamics and attractive contrast between predatory water and peaceful surroundings. But how to find a way to see lesser known waterfalls?
Many photographers deliberately conceal the exact location of the waterfalls. They don't want their secret locations to become sloppy tourist attractions. And it's an understandable attitude. On the other hand, other photographers also would like to show pictures of these beautiful natural sights. So how to avoid a complex search and find information about the location of hidden waterfalls?
In our country, the web application mapy.cz is the most suitable for scouting of waterfalls http://www.mapy.cz . Unlike other navigations designed mainly for car travel, this navigation has its own tourist map. To make a map type choice, click at the top left Změnit mapu.

From the following options you will choose "Turistická" (tourist map).

The first time you look at the map, you may not find any information about the location of the waterfalls.

It is necessary to change the scale and zoom in on the map. With a zoom large enough, detailed information about tourist destinations, including waterfalls, will start to appear on the screen. Waterfalls have their own mark on the maps, which, in the case of mapy.cz, is depicted in following way.

A great advantage of mapy.cz is that if you click on the waterfall marker on the map, you will see more detailed information, including photos, on the right side of the screen.

After clicking on the FOTKY you can also see the entire photo gallery placed here by users of this site.

This allows you to get a basic idea of what the waterfall actually looks like, and then you can decide if the effort of a journey with full photo stuff is worth it.
You can find similar information on competing Google maps http://www.google.com/maps. However, due to the absence of tourist Google maps, their user-friendliness is worse, and in my experience, not all waterfalls in these maps are drawn either.

So what else are you waiting for? Check out http://www.mapy.cz what interesting waterfall you might visit soon. You can also find some tips for nice waterfalls in my photo gallery here.
Happy journey and have a good light.